
Reggio Emilia Approach

The child is central in their own learning, able to pursue and build upon their own interests, viewed as strong and capable

The teacher is an alongside learner, involved in group learning as a guide and resource, observes and documents growth of classroom community

The environment is the “third teacher” and is constructed in a way that supports and encourages exploration of the children’s interests


Global Citizenship

Inclusion: recognizing and developing empathy for people who are different from us

Connection: building and making connections with our local community and communities outside of our own

Social issues: identifying and becoming aware of local social issues

Environment: recognizing the importance of our Earth and exploring ways to take care of our environment



Our activities are called “provocations”

Provocations “provoke'“ thinking

A provocation invites the child to discover and generate new ideas, interests or theories given meaningful, curated loose parts and materials

Engages and activates children’s thinking as provocations are guided by the child and there is no “right” response or answer

Teachers are alongside learners